
Friday, January 21, 2011

Rob's Tips For Internet Marketing - Part 2, What the Heck is a Squidoo?

You may have heard your upline talking about this mystical creature known as 'Squidoo'...or if you've done a Google search lately, you may have noticed that some of the first-page entries were Squidoo sites (hint: this should tell you something right away!)

Today, I am going to teach you how this odd and wondrous Web 2.0 tool can make you very wealthy...or at least get your website onto the first page of search engines (which is often a symptom that indicates you are ABOUT to become wealthy!)

Squidoo is a Web 2.0 marketing method that I teach that revolves around creating websites, or 'Lenses', targeted to individual KEYWORDS that people will search for on the internet. For a case study, let us look at a Squidoo Lens that I created to answer the many questions out there about the My Internet Business Product line. My primary keyword will be 'MyInternetBusiness Products'. Scroll down and click on the Squidoo link in the resource box below and open it in a SEPARATE BROWSER, so that you can go back and forth between this article and see what I am talking about on the Squidoo Lens itself.

You will notice that I included the keyword in the actual URL itself. This is important for dominating that keyword niche; the search engines will pick up on it quickly and the spiders will see that it is relevant to the keyword. Not only that, but web surfers who are searching for the keyword will see it in BOLD, just like you do above. Likewise, the TITLE of the lens contains the keyword as well. This is great both for search engine optimization AND for reader-friendly content; the reader who searches for this opens the page and sees the subject of his search right away, which does wonders to encourage the idea that this page is valuable to the reader and will answer his/her question.

Next, the introduction. Search engine spiders and readers alike search left-to-right and top-down, so make sure that your introduction contains brief, relevant content that is rich with your keywords. This is where you, "Tell em what you're gonna tell 'em". It's also a good chance to BRAND YOURSELF, like I have where I identified myself as a personal business mentor.

Next is your is the meat-and-potatoes of your Squidoo lens. In SEO and internet marketing in general, Content is King. I have gone to great detail in this lens to include details, photos, links to video-demonstrations and more to answer any and every question the viewer may have about my keywords, the MyInternetBusiness Products.

How do you get those pictures in there? And how about the formatting?Here is where a basic knowledge of html comes in handy, and if you are serious about internet marketing, I suggest you learn at least the code necessary to include links and images.

To get the pictures onto my Squidoo lens, I uploaded all 16 to, a free picture hosting service. I highly recommend you create an account for yourself and use it copiously in your internet marketing activities. Then, whenever I wanted to include a picture, I simply typed this code and pasted the URL for the picture: img src="your picture's url"

So how about the pictures that are clickable links? Type this code: "a href="your website url" img src="your picture's url" /a Enclose all tags in symbols to designate the html code.

It goes without saying that you should substitute your actual picture and website information for what I typed in. But other than that, use that code EXACTLY. So how do you know if you did it correctly? Click SAVE on your Squidoo text module, and the picture and link should appear!

All right, so you have finished your main content for the what? Squidoo and the search engines both will rank your lens higher if you add additional unique content, so go to Add Modules. I usually include a YouTube video, guestbook, Amazon bookstore, link list, and an RSS feed.

RSS is important because you can set your Squidoo lens to display fresh content that is updated HOURLY. Search engines LOOOVE websites that are updated frequently, and if you have an RSS feed built in to your lens, that the search engines will see your content being updated hourly! This will make your rankings soar!

To get your RSS feed, go to www . rssfeedgenerator . com and type in your KEYWORD. Take the code and paste it into the RSS feed module on your Squidoo Lens, save it, and watch fresh new content appear before your eyes!

Well, there you have it. Create a SEPARATE Squidoo lens for each keyword that you would like to target, add 4-5 content modules to make it unique, and watch your Lenses start to dominate your keyword niches on the front page of Google! Stay tuned for next episode, where I teach you how to PROMOTE your lens and get it to the front page that much faster!


Rob Hunter

Co-Leader of the MyInternetBusiness Mentors Team

Resources for the Savvy Entrepreneur

1)Squidoo Case Study Open this in a new browser!

2)Learn more about MyInternetBusiness on Squidoo []!


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